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Mack Valves’ 3-D Printing Future

This commonly spoken about technology is only slowly impacting the world of manufacturing.  Like everything new, it takes time for costs to get to a point where it makes economic sense to use it.
At Mack Valves, we have found a way to step into this technology, to help our customers understand how our products work.  Our new products can be now launched with 3-D printed collateral, so customers can see the detail of what is new, and understand how Mack valves continue to be dependable.  
Mack was built on innovation; a quality we hold dear and work daily on upholding.  Printing sample cut-out valves demonstrates that innovation isn’t only about a piece of technology, but how you are improving what you do, for the betterment of customers, industry and business.  We look forward to you seeing what we are doing now.